1) FEE (does not refer to students on July 10)
The conference fee, 50 Euro, should be paid, NO later than March 1, to the bank account of Berlin Practical Philosophy International Forum e. V.:
IBAN: DE74 1005 0000 0190 3881 88
Tax number: 27/661/66239
Kant Spende
For North Americans: ten last numbers of the account are the factual bank account number, yet all the numbers should be used.
Since we are non-profit public benefit organization, we take the conference fee in the form of dedicated donation or spende.
2) ABSTRACT, TEXTS (does not refer to students on July 10)
A 700-1000 word ABSTRACT (in pdf or doc, not docx) should be sent to Chris Skowronski no later than March 31, 2017
A longer version of the TEXT (at least 3000 words) no later than June 1, 2017. The Abstracts will be visible on our WWW and the longer texts, depending on your wish, either visible for all audiences, as abstracts will, or restricted for the participants only.
The final version of your text (6000-8000 words) should be ready by October 30, 2017.
We hope that the full versions of the written texts will be published by Nordic Pragmatist Network: however, we cannot guarantee at this moment that all the texts will be accepted for the publication (all this point does not refer to students on July 10-we do not intend to publish the July 10 students’ texts).
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