We are happy to announce that John Lachs’s Practical Philosophy: Critical Essays on His Thought with Replies and Bibliography, edited by Chris Skowroński, has just been published by Brill (Leiden-Boston).
The idea of the volume was born during the international conference on John Lachs (with his participation) that was organized by Berlin Forum in 2015 in Berlin, within the series of American and European Values conferences (special thanks for organizing the event should go to the then chair, Maja Niestroj, and to the event manager, Karolina Knopik). Charles Padrón, Berlin Forum’s Text Editor, should be thanked for his enormous help with reading and correcting the manuscript. Last but not least, John Lachs, who serves as Berlin Forum’s Schirmherr, deserves all sorts of thanks, gratitude, and appreciation.
You can buy the book HERE
The book contains essays on Lachs by international scholars (many of them being his former students) and Lachs’s responses to the authors of these essays; also, three texts by Lachs himself and a full bibliography, primary and secondary, prepared by Charles Padrón.
We hope that the volume offers a deep insight into the thought of Lachs. We also hope that it will be a good stimulation for a more profound discussion about his output.
Chris Skowroński
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