BERLIN PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY INTERNATIONAL FORUM e.V. is pleased to announce an international conference within American and European Values-Berlin Edition series of conferences 5th International Conference on Santayana: The Life of Reason in the Age of Terrorism Berlin, Germany, July 12-14, 2016 (Preceded by A Student Seminars Day on July 11) We are grateful to Vanderbilt University, Nashville, for financial support of the conference Santayana Conference Programme, July … [Read more...]
Our association wishes to promote practical philosophy hoping all possible audiences will have access to our work. The idea is simple: everyone interested can participate in our projects. This is also the reason why we record short videos at our events. Watch it and feel free to comment on it - we will be happy to have you in the discussion. An International Conference within the American and European Values-Berlin Edition series Pragmatist Kant, July 11-13, 2017, Berlin, … [Read more...]
John Lachs’ s Practical Philosophy Conference 2015
The question whether there is a place for philosophers nowadays and how much influence they exercise in our everyday life seems as valid as it was 25 centuries ago in the time of Socrates. It was also the leitmotif of the conference devoted to the practical philosophy of John Lachs (presently leading American pragmatist), during which academic world met everyday life. John Lachs's Practical Philosophy Conference Speakers, August 11-13, 2015 John Lachs’s Practical Philosophy Conference … [Read more...]
Offenes Seminar “Philosophie und Gegenwart”
Offenes Seminar "Philosophie und Gegenwart" - Interkulturelle Germanistik Europa-Universität Viadrina und Berlin Practical Philosophy International Forum e.V., SoSe 2015 , Dozentin: Maja Niestroj. Die Vorträge wurden von Sandra Lippok, Grzegorz Jamróz, Alexandra Schubert und Tobias Petric (Interkulturelle Germanistik) gehalten. Gerechte Gesellschaft? Offener Vortrag: Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński Praktische Philosophie … [Read more...]
ALL THE SESSIONS (9.30-16.45) HELD AT EUROPASAAL (Voßstr. 22 ) Lachs's Lecture and Reception held at two other locations (see below) DAY ONE: AUGUST 11, 2015 Session One: 9.30-11.30 Chair: Michael Hodges CHRIS SKOWRONSKI (Opole): Welcome and Intro JOHN LACHS (Nashville): “Practical Philosophy” NIKITA POKROVSKY (Moscow): “Life After the City: Practical Philosophy of Interaction Between Man and Nature Reconsidered” coffee break (11.30-12.00) Session Two: 12.00-14.00 Chair: Richard … [Read more...]
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